Your University, One Photo at a Time

Former Maclay Hall

Former Maclay HallJust behind the Lord Roberts’ Monument, featured yesterday, is a shell of a formerly affluent tenement at 17 Park Terrace. It was donated to the University of Glasgow in 1921 by Lord and Lady Maclay, and became Maclay Hall, a student halls of residence. Over the years the halls were extended to the neighbouring properties, until they were sold for private development in 2004-2005. While being renovated under new ownership, the four storey building caught fire on June 13th, 2006. Today, the building is a mere shell of it’s former glory, as you can see in the photo above. The BBC article on the fire can be found here.

The name lives on in the Maclay Residences to the south of the University, close to the River Clyde, the Tall Ship and the upcoming Riverside Museum.

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2 responses

  1. Raj

    At the time of the fire, I was based in an office on the top floor of the St Andrew’s Building, overlooking the park, so I got a first-rate view as it was going on. It was a mightily impressive blaze. I’m somewhat sorry that the beautiful building hasn’t been repaired yet, after over four years.

    January 11, 2011 at 9:46 am

    • That must have been one hell of a front row seat. The remnants are very unfortunate as they take away from the glory of Park Circus itself.

      Four years is a long time, and I was afraid that the remnants of Lilybank Terrace on Great Western Road, which was destroyed by fire a few years back, would suffer the same fate, but it seems like it is actually finally being converted to luxury flats. Maybe Maclay Hall will be restored one day soon.

      January 13, 2011 at 3:43 pm

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